It's been a long hard road filled with many new learning experiences and growth. I've enjoyed every minute of it, but it's not over yet. I will save the emotional speech and thanks after I finish the first phase of this project and begin phase 2 of the project... compiling the paintings into book-form!
Some of you may be wondering why you have not received your paintings yet. I have put a hold on shipping until I finish the remaining few donor pictures so that I can devote my full attention to them as I get closer to winding this phase up, especially since I have increased my production rate. I will continue verifying addresses and mailing rewards within the next couple weeks depending when I finish the painting phase. Thank you all for your patience. We artists can be fussy and hard to deal with so your understanding is greatly appreciated.
And now, without further babbling on my part, I give you the latest pieces for "The People Project". Enjoy!