Saturday, December 29, 2012

Merry Belated Christmas and a Premature Happy New Year!

Well, so much for finishing before the new year.  I may have set an unrealistic goal, however there are only a few pieces left before we move onto the next phase of the project.  For the next few days I will be locking myself in and working like a mad man on the remaining few pieces.  After that I will finish shipping out the final pieces and begin work on the compilation book.  We're fast approaching the end my friends, it's only a matter of time.

In the mean time, I have two of the latest completed pieces for "The People Project" below. Please enjoy!

And while I continue working, I'd like to wish you all a very merry belated Christmas, happy holidays, and a happy new year!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's the season...

Happy Holidays everyone.  I have a lovely painting for you all today, but before we go into that... I just want to extend my deepest sympathy and condolences to the families and people affected by the events that transpired in Newtown, Connecticut last Friday.  I can only imagine what those people are going through and my thoughts are with them.

This week's painting is one my more tranquil and subtle works based on a heartwarming picture sent to me by one of my good friends who contributed to the project.  It was a pleasure and an honor to make this picture, and relevant in light of recent events.  I present to you the latest addition to "The People Project".

Monday, December 10, 2012

December, the Home Stretch

So we have the first posted update of December.  Happy Holidays everyone! I must say that we've come a long way.  I tried finishing three pieces for this update but only managed to really complete  two, with a third one on the way.  I'll probably post the third on up in a few days once I'm happy with it.

The goal is still to have the majority of the remaining pieces wrapped up by the new year.  Then we can start on the book!!  For those of you still waiting to receive your finished painting, you will be hearing from me in the next few weeks, (probably later in December) about verifying your shipping addresses for mailing purposes.

And now, the latest two lovely pieces for "The People Project":

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Last post of November...

So, I know I've been long overdue for a post and I apologize for that.  Happy Belated Thanksgiving Everyone!!!  November has been a little crazy and not just because of the holidays.  I just want to take this moment to thank my father, brother, my two sisters, my uncle, my close friends, and my dear Lulu for their love and support through this difficult month.  And all my wonderful supporters who helped make The People Project possible.

My new goal is to finish all the remaining paintings (about 11 I believe) by the new year and begin work on the compilation book starting in early January.  It's an ambitious goal but I believe I can do it or at the very least come very close to my goal.  So thank you all for your patience, it's been an eventful ride and it's about to get a little more eventful as we enter the final stretch.

Please enjoy the two latest beautiful additions to The People Project:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

First Post of November

Hello everyone!  Sorry for the late post; many things have happened in the last week that required my attention but I am back on track now.  I have two lovely paintings for today's update.  Before that, I just want to let you know that if any of you are interested in framing options for your painting, I found this great resource where you can order customized frames suiting your size and design needs.  The website is:

Moving on, the next two paintings are a little special.  One is of a cute dog named Rocky.  Now, I know what some of you are thinking, "I thought it was 'The PEOPLE Project'?".   Well... I think many of you will agree with me when I say, dogs are people too!  Am I right!?  Either way, I'm quite pleased with the painting.

The second painting is of an old street in Beirut, Lebanon that existed prior the the civil war of 1975.  It was a street dedicated to selling flowers.  It was called شارع الزهور (street of flowers) in Arabic.  I've been told that it may no longer exist due to the destruction of the long drawn out civil war but I have yet to verify that.  It is a sentimental painting from a better time and place.

Please enjoy these two latest works for "The People Project"!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Finishing up October

Hello everybody!  As October draws to a close, I have a great piece for today which I believe is a great finisher for all the pieces I've completed this October.  I fear that I can only show you one piece today as I was not satisfied with the other painting I had intended to post.  Needs a few more touch ups and some polish so I'm keeping it on the drawing board until the next post. This is the 7th piece of the month.  The amount of finished pieces has doubled for this month compared to the other months and I'm excited to see how many more I can finish next month.

On a different note, Happy Halloween!  While I am too old to trick-or-treat I do believe dressing up in costume is always fun.  I wanted to be a starving artist this time around but I was told that I can't be for Halloween what I am in real life so that idea went out the window.  I'll think of something else.  In the mean time please enjoy the latest piece for "The People Project":

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Time flies...

Good morning everyone.  I believe a slightly overdue update is in order.  Before we preview the latest lovely additions to "The People Project", I would like to thank each and every one of you for your support and for spreading the word even now, about this project.  I have been getting more commission requests and project offers than ever!  Not to worry, "The People Project" is still my top priority and I will continue pushing myself to begin finishing three paintings a week if possible, but quality comes first and I don't want to rush that.

I don't know about you gals and guys, but when I go back and look at the paintings from start to finish chronologically,  I see a trend of progression from where I started to where I am now.  This projects has definitely been a learning experience for me as my style and technique have developed and grown as well as my mastery of the medium.  I still have a lot to learn but I feel as though I've made a huge leap as opposed to where I was when I started.  I hope to continue my progress even after we conclude our wonderful little project here.  It is a unique experience when painting from and studying the photo's of people whom you have never met and may never meet face to face.  I would even go so far as to say that it is a different form of intimacy (strictly platonic!!!) than what many people will ever experience.

Anyway, keep spreading the word and showing off to your friends and family!

And now, the latest beauties to our collection:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Another Two Just For You

Happy Thursday everyone!  The weekend is almost here, Autumn is upon us and the feeling of the approaching holiday season is in the air.

I bring you the latest two pieces for The People Project.  I'm looking forward to winding up production and moving onto making the book, though I shouldn't get ahead of myself, there are still quite a few more paintings to do.  Hopefully I'll be able to start finishing 3 pieces a week as more of these paintings near completion, not that I'm rushing!

As always, thank you all for your patience and your support.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

As Promised!

I said I would finish two pieces this week, and so I have, although a cold delayed my progress a little bit.  But I'm all better now.

Before we witness the unveiling of the two latest pieces to "The People Project", I just want to let you all know that I have indeed begun shipping out the paintings.  Yay!  So if your piece is one of the ones that I have already finished, expect to see it some time soon.  I am sending each painting in a good sized mailing tube 3 inches in diameter with thick walls so they will definitely be safe.  I'm also mailing them with a delivery confirmation so I can track them online through the post office's website.  These paintings are my babies after all and I want to take care of them haha.  Again, you will be hearing from me regarding verification of your respective shipping addresses prior to my mailing of your painting.

And now, without further stalling, the latest paintings for "The People Project":

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Saturday never felt so good

A good morning to you all as I bring good news.  In addition to finishing the latest piece for "The People project",  I have received the shipping tubes for shipping you your canvases.  They are roomy and sturdy and I am finally ready to begin shipping.  So keep an eye out in your email inboxes because I will be verifying the shipping addresses you have given me before I ship the rewards.  It is very important that I have the most updated shipping address in order for you to safely get your rewards.  So prepare yourselves... for my email, and then for your paintings!

Without further ado:

Monday, September 17, 2012


"Happy" Monday everyone.  I bring to you the latest piece for our project.  You may note that it is visually distinct from many of the other pieces I have produced thus far... personally I like it.  Its divergence from the others gives it a sort of poetic somberness.  

I had originally intended to have brought two pieces to you as I've been picking up the pace, but I was not satisfied with the second one and took it back to work on it some more.  Fear not, for I will be finishing it sometime this week.  

My intention is to wrap up the production phase of the project soon and begin work on compiling pieces and designing the book itself.  However I do not want to sacrifice quality for speed, and at times a piece demands more time than I had initially expected.  I want to thank you all for being so patient and generous with this project.  My goal is to bring to completion two pieces a week and then eventually bringing that up to three pieces a week.  Fun stuff!  I'll let you all know how it goes.

I will soon begin shipping out the completed works as soon as my appropriately-sized mailing tubes are delivered to me (UPS, don't fail me now).

I've babbled enough.  Enjoy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Love is in the air...

Hello Everyone, I hope this weekend is treating you well.

I bring you the latest work of art for "The People Project", as well as other news.  I have finally found the right size tubes at a good price for shipping some of the larger canvases and have ordered them.  So that issue has been taken care of for the most part.

I want to thank all of you who have been putting my name out there and sharing this project with your friends.  I've been getting a lot more commission requests as of late, which is great to say the least for any freelance artist such as myself.  Don't worry, this project is still my top priority and I am devoting the utmost attention to your pieces.  But please continue to get the word out there, while this project may now be closed to new participants, I am still taking on commissions for whoever is interested in employing my skills.  Thanks again to all of you for your continued support!

Now to the art work, enjoy!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Good Evening everyone!  I am currently making this late night post as I've just finished another piece for "The People Project" and I couldn't wait to share.

Before that, I just wanted to remind everyone that if you have not received your postcard, please let me know.  I've got a bunch of spares just waiting to be sent out.

Also, I'm still working on procuring some reliable tubes to ship the canvases in.

Just a quick note to all the viewers, all of these pieces are done solely by me, and although many of the artworks may appear visually or stylistically different, it's all me.  These paintings are kind of like children to me, yes you give birth to them and you raise them as best you can, but there are things about them like their personality and character that are all their own.  Same with these works, they develop as I work on them and start taking on their own persona and character.  I view it as my solemn duty to help my babies grow to what they were meant to be rather than force them to be as I had envisioned them initially.

Returning from our tangent, I present to you our latest piece for "The People Project"!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Oh Happy Tuesday!

Good Morning Everyone!  It is Tuesday morning and I am somewhat sleep deprived, but that won't stop me from presenting to you the latest piece for "The People Project".  Enjoy!

Also, the shipping tubes I ordered may actually be too small for sending the canvases safely, especially because they'll have to really be rolled up tight and I don't want to damage the paintings.  I'll have to see, so bear with me and I will continue to work on this problem... which, I admit, was self inflicted haha.

On a different note, I haven't heard from anyone regarding NOT receiving a postcard.  If you did not receive yours, I would still like to hear about it, especially to make sure I have the correct shipping addresses.

Hope all is well with everyone!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Tough Batch

Hey everyone, this last batch of paintings took me longer than expected which would explain the slightly delayed post.  However, I think from here on, the rest of these paintings will behave themselves (I hope).

On a different note, I've ordered the shipping materials in order to ship your paintings or prints of paintings to you.  I need to verify that they suit my needs in terms of shipping your rewards safely.  So sit tight and I'll keep you all apprised of the shipping situation.  I'm also aware that I will need to double-check some of your addresses since some time has elapsed since the project surveys were filled out.  So no worries, I'll get these things sorted out soon.

And last but not least, we have the latest piece for "The People Project".  Enjoy!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Am I nuts?

Happy Monday to all!  I bring you the latest gem for "The People Project".  Some of you may be thinking, "all of these pics look so different," and, "man this guy is all over the place."

Yes, I have to admit these art works are all different and unique in their own way, even I am pleasantly surprised.  Rather than make each picture look visually similar and create a series with some apparent cohesion, I'm going with the flow of each picture you guys have sent me.  I let the pic speak to me and lead me to where it wants to go and infuse my own vision into the painting.  I don't believe in forcing something that doesn't work or belong.  The pictures take a life of their own in this respect.  What unifies all of these pics in the series is the common factor that lies in all of them, the human aspect.  Each one is based on a person, and that is what connects each piece in the series.  With that said, the fact that no two pieces are alike (yet) just attests to the diversity of the human race... and the crazy inner workings of my mind lol

Thank you all for your support! Please enjoy our latest piece...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Moving Along

Hello everyone!  The project is moving along nicely and I have another completed piece to add to our growing collection. I'm finding it an enjoyable challenge to create interesting works of art solely off of one picture without merely reproducing the original picture.  At times it's as though the piece is playing hard to get and other times it's telling me exactly how it wants to be.  It is as they say, the act of creating is an act of faith.  And that is as deep as I'm going to get for this post haha.

 I'd like to thank those of you who have finally sent in your pics, and for those of you who have not sent them in, please get those to me as soon as you can.  I will be sending another round of reminders soon.  I am pleased to see that people are indeed receiving their postcards.  Again, please let me know if you have not received yours and I will gladly send you another one.

Also, I wanted to thank you all for your lovely comments and support, and while I have not had a chance to respond to you directly,  I am reading each and every one of them.  I couldn't have come this far without all of you!

Without further ado, please enjoy the latest addition to 'The People Project'.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And We're Back...

Again folks, sorry for the hiatus.  Today I bring you a finished piece of work for your viewing pleasure. Some of you may be wondering, "Is this guy seriously taking this long to make one piece of art?"  All I can say is each artist has varying speed in how they work and a lot depends on the individual painting or project itself.  However, the way I'm approaching this project is by doing multiple paintings at the same time, rather than one painting at a time, it's just the way I work.  So what ends up happening is many pieces are started at the same time and very few are finished initially.  Later on when most of the pieces are nearing completion you will begin to see more completed pieces being posted more frequently.  So have no fear, I am indeed working on your babies!  They are coming along nicely.  Some pieces will inevitably take longer than others as each work of art is like it's own little journey with it's own bumps and pit stops along the way, but my goal is to take each piece to a high level of quality regardless of how long it takes, so thanks for bearing with me!

As for those of you who have not turned in your pictures... what's up with that?  Mayhaps you are not pleased with my art practice?  Seriously though, if you guys could get those in asap I'd really appreciate it, and if you have any questions or concerns please message me, we're in this together after all :)

On a different note, all of you should have received your postcards at this point (I hope...).   If you have in-fact not received your postcard, it can only mean one of two things:  1) your address has changed and I was not aware of it, or 2) your postcard has been sacrificed to the post office gods, never to see the light of day again.  In either case, just let me know vie email or kickstarter-message, that you have not received your postcard and I will gladly send you another one.

Thanks again for all your support, I leave you with our latest piece.  Cheers!


Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Postcards: They're Coming...

Sorry for the overdue update everyone.  Today the postcards will be going out to everyone who donated $5 or more to the project.  They are a humble symbol of my gratitude for all of your contributions and support.  This wouldn't be "The People Project" without the "people", so I can't stress enough how important you guys and gals are to me.

I have several of the paintings in progress and under way and will definitely post the next finished piece when it is complete.  For now, you will all have to just anxiously await the arrival of your postcards haha.  Just so you don't mistakenly throw it away if you don't recognize my name, below is a pic of the front of the postcard for your enjoyment.  

Until next time!

...looks familiar huh :0

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Enter the Blog

Hey all, sorry for the brief hiatus.  I've been busy with collecting the info from your surveys and pics from your emails as well as tying up all the remaining loose ends for the project and commencing prepartion of your lovely rewards.  Whilst the majority of you have graciously sent in your pictures and filled out your surveys, I will be contacting those of you who haven't had a chance to do the same in order to gently remind you to please send those in, so look forward to hearing from me!

First off, you will all be receiving postcards, assuming you filled out the survey that was sent out and entered in your shipping address.  This is just a little thank you from me to you for all of your continued support and contributions.  All this wouldn't have been possible without you guys/gals.  So expect to see those soon!

Secondly, I'm announcing the creation of the blog dedicated to "The People Project", which you can find at:
Here I will post frequently regarding my progress, pitfalls and other musings throughout the life of this project.  It'll give me the chance to update all of you without flooding your inboxes with kickstarter emails and will allow you the freedom to drop in and check on what's happening at your own convenience.

Thirdly,  to see the latest piece to be added to the collection of the project, visit the blog and take a peek (or just scroll down lol).  
